James L. Creighton, Ph.D.
Facilitation, Public Participation, Dispute Resolution, and Remote Collaboration

Visit jameslcreighton.com to learn about Creighton’s new book Loving Through Your Differences: Building Strong Relationships from Separate Realities and discover how his mastery of conflict resolution can be applied to saving your relationship!

From the Amazon Review:
"Why are some of our worst fights with the ones we love best? This is a question all of us have asked from time to time. But have faith! In this book, you will learn that these conflicts are normal. In fact, if you follow the author's prescription they can guide you to the most enduring strengths and highest pleasures of your relationship. By employing the author's twelve easy-to-use tools, you can settle your differences with loved one quickly and amicably. You can move through the combat zones with love and caring, instead of falling prey to out-and-out wars, brooding silences or ongoing hostility. This book is packed with real life anecdotes, along with easy-to-follow instructions that will have you and your partner observing, listening and reaching out to each other even when you are most upset. Written in a warm, personal style, this book is invaluable for anyone who dreams of building a supportive and loving relationship."
New and used copies available at Amazon.com
From the Amazon Review:
"Internationally renowned facilitator and public participation consultant James L. Creighton offers a practical guide to designing and facilitating public participation of the public in environmental and public policy decision making. Written for government officials, public and community leaders, and professional facilitators, The Public Participation Handbook is a toolkit for designing a participation process, selecting techniques to encourage participation, facilitating successful public meetings, working with the media, and evaluating the program. The book is also filled with practical advice, checklists, worksheets, and illustrative examples."
New and used copies available at Amazon.com
From the Amazon Review:
"This breakthrough book looks at how cutting-edge computer technologies are transforming our concept of what "meeting" is -- and helps companies avoid the millions of dollars that can be wasted when new "collaborative technology" is introduced."
Note: Some of the material in this book is already out-of-date, particularly the section on design of workspace. But basic concepts remain sound.
Used copies available at Amazon.com
Shared Vision Planning (SVP) is a collaborative approach to formulating planning solutions that combines three disparate practices: 1) traditional planning processes, 2) structured public participation and 3) collaborative computer modeling. Although each of these elements has been successfully applied, what makes Shared Vision Planning unique is the integration of traditional planning processes with structured public participation and collaborative computer modeling. Shared Vision Planning facilitates a common understanding of a natural resource system and provides a consensus-based forum for stakeholders to identify tradeoffs and new management options. Shared Vision Planning creates user-friendly and understandable computer models that are relevant to stakeholder interests and adaptable to changing conditions.

This is a compendium of articles by leading figures in the field providing an overview of public involvement and dispute resolution theory and practice.