James L. Creighton, Ph.D.
Facilitation, Public Participation, Dispute Resolution, and Remote Collaboration

Visit jameslcreighton.com to learn about Creighton’s new book Loving Through Your Differences: Building Strong Relationships from Separate Realities and discover how his mastery of conflict resolution can be applied to saving your relationship!

Creighton has worked with numerous international organizations to spread information on public participation and dispute resolution. Here are a few examples:
Keynote address at a conference on human rights in Tocatins, Brazil
Keynote address at conference on a "culture of peace and sustainability" sponsored by King Prajadhipok's Institute, Bangkok, Thailand.
Training course for staff of the Thai Department of Mental Health, based on Thai translation of Creighton's book "How Loving Couples Fight."
Presenter at Japan Science and Technology workshop on public participation [Tokyo Tower in background]

Training course for government officials sponsored by Ehwa Womens' University School of Law, Seoul, Korea
Meeting with local residents during project setting up several hundred "telecentros" in barrios in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Instructor training class, alternative dispute resolution, Moscow, Russia and Tbiliesi, Georgia.
Public participation training for government officials, Egyptian Ministry of Water. USAID sponsorship.