James L. Creighton, Ph.D.
Facilitation, Public Participation, Dispute Resolution, and Remote Collaboration

Visit jameslcreighton.com to learn about Creighton’s new book Loving Through Your Differences: Building Strong Relationships from Separate Realities and discover how his mastery of conflict resolution can be applied to saving your relationship!

Guides/White Papers
We would welcome the opportunity to prepare a guide or white paper that specifically addresses topics of concern to your organization.
Creighton has written scores of reports, guides and white papers. Many of these publications required extensive research or interviewing. Some of the topics include:
Public participation guides
Socioeconomic impacts of termination of water for irrigated agriculture
Team formation in remote virtual teams
Dispute resolution reader
Mature use of collaboration technology
Asset-based community development
Working with Indian Tribal Nations
Environmental Justice and Public Participation
Shared vision planning case studies
Alternative futures planning tools
Risk communication strategy for emerging constituents
Series of guides on major dispute resolution techniques
Innovation in remote virtual teams
Cross-agency use of collaborative planning
Irrigated agriculture and toxic waste regulations
Use of alternative dispute resolution to resolve discrimination cases
Decision-making forums for water management