James L. Creighton, Ph.D.
Facilitation, Public Participation, Dispute Resolution, and Remote Collaboration

Visit jameslcreighton.com to learn about Creighton’s new book Loving Through Your Differences: Building Strong Relationships from Separate Realities and discover how his mastery of conflict resolution can be applied to saving your relationship!

James L. Creighton, Ph.D., has been an independent consultant in the public participation field since 1972, and has designed or conducted more than 300 public participation programs. He is the founding President of the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2), an international organization of professionals and people interested in the public participation field.
He is the author of The Public Participation Handbook (Jossey Bass, 2005), Involving Citizens in Community Decision Making (National Civic League, 1992), and The Public Participation Manual (Abt Books, 1981). He is the author or co-author of four other books, including Getting Well Again, an international best seller. He has also written more than 30 guides on public participation, dispute resolution, and related topics for government agencies and trade associations.
From 1988-1998, Dr. Creighton headed a team of nationally recognized experts in dispute resolution that provided assistance to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in the use of alternative dispute resolution techniques (ADR) as an alternative to litigation. As part of this program, Creighton oversaw a team of the nation's leading ADR consulting firms in developing training courses, editing a series of techniques pamphlets, editing a quarterly ADR newsletter, and providing direct consultation as part of the Corps program. The Corps ADR program won the Hammer Award from the Secretary of Defense.
Creighton's client list includes more than 50 federal or state agencies, and many companies, in the United States and Canada. He has also been involved in public participation or dispute resolution projects or training in Russia, the Republic of Georgia, Egypt, Brazil, Japan and Thailand.
Creighton is the lead author of CyberMeeting (AMACOM: American Management Association, 1998) and for 10 years served as Co-Director/Director of the New Ways of Working Network, a network of companies implementing new ways of working/distributed work/remote work. He is the author of numerous white papers on working in remote teams.
Creighton currently resides in Maui but actively seeks projects than can be performed remotely or with concentrated periods of travel.